The AGORA Discipleship School (ADS) is a two-part discipleship course which serves as an introduction to global missions. You will spend the first 3 months living in mission-focused communities learning about and being discipled in living out your faith, followed by approximately 2 months living as a missionary and discipling the nations. The AGORA Discipleship School will be in San Antonio, Texas.
The first 3 months of your ADS, will be spent at AGORA Ministries learning from speakers we trust on foundational discipleship topics such as the Character and Nature of God, Urban Missions, and Listening to God’s Voice. The goal of the lecture phase is to allow God to change your life based on what you’re learning and not having it just be head-knowledge. You will spend time learning in class, engaging in worship, prayer, and intercession. You will be surrounded by people who are all running after the same thing – to know God and to make Him known.
In the next 2 months of your ADS, you will have the opportunity to put into practice everything you have learned. Outreach will provide you with a glimpse of cross-cultural missions as your team serves alongside local believers and long-term missionaries.
We believe that the Gospel comes alive as we step out in faith as we preach the good news. So, when you choose to do a ADS, you are joining the worldwide movement outreach. It is an exhilarating time of risk and adventure as outreach teams serve with local believers so we can transform lives and impact society with the love of Jesus Christ.