Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Ephesians 3:30

Have you ever been in an “only God” moment? A moment where only God, through the power of His Spirit, could bring change? A divine appointment that leaves you thinking “only God” could do this?
We have had an incredible summer at AGORA. We have had divine appointments and hearts turned to our Lord Jesus. We have seen and heard testimonies of life change in campers and the inner-city. To God be the glory! On July 12th, this summer, I had one of those “only God” moments.
The Oaks Fellowship from Dallas, TX was on a missions trip with AGORA. We arrived at Columbus Park where many homeless congregate. Our outreach consists of serving raspas (snow cones in gringo), hot dogs, drinks, chips, and hygiene packs with tooth brushes, tooth paste, and soap. We give out the food and then do a program while they eat.
As we begin passing out food, one of the students comes to me and says, “Sir, would you come help? A man is asking for help, he said he is in handcuffs.” That is not what you normally hear at an outreach, so I thought I’d better check it out. I walk up to a man who is lying on the concrete, in front of a bench, and he says, “Would you please help me with these hand cuffs, they are holding my hands.” From what I can see there are no hand cuffs, just a man lying on the ground with his arm under his body. Needless to say my mind is churning. Are they spiritual chains? Is he just high or drunk and hallucinating? At this point, with my mind running and a little on edge, I help him up while praying in my head, “Jesus be with me, may your Spirit lead me.”
I lift him up and realize he is wearing a lanyard that is tight around his neck and twisted around his arm like a handcuff. He was so thin and fragile in 100 degree weather, the lanyard fit like handcuffs. We got him food and a drink and he sat and recovered.

This is when the “only God” moment came. I was already a little on edge from the situation when this other guy shows up with his shirt off and tattoos all over his body. As we speak I sense the Spirit leading, I sense the situation changing. The man lowered his head and said, “I am embarrassed.” He says he knows me and that his wife knows my wife. He is living on the street, but we have met before.
As we talk he shares, with tears in his eyes, that he has been on the street for about a week. Juan has a normal job, a beautiful family, and even goes to church with them at a well known church in San Antonio. He says that just 6 days before he was at his house working, but then felt such an urge for a dose of “meth”. He left his house, came downtown to get his fix, and has been on the street ever since. He was ashamed, he was broken, he didn’t want his family to see him like this. Then, he said something I will never forget. He said, “I know I could call my wife or family to pick me up or get on a bus. However, every time I start walking to a bus or want to call, it is like Satan puts concrete blocks on my feet and I cannot move.”
This is an “only God” moment. I think of what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:4, “And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit.” I said, brother there is nothing I can say to help you but Christ can break these chains. I then asked if I could pray with him. He said yes and we prayed. Lord Jesus break these chains. Move, change, bring peace, bring change, show yourself. Jesus, take control. I then asked Juan to call on the name of the Lord. He calls on the Lord Jesus and asks for forgiveness, for strength. “Only God” could orchestrate the moment and “only God” could break those chains!
The Lord got my attention by a man thinking he was in hand cuffs. That turned into a divine appointment with a man that had on spiritual hand cuffs. What “only God” moment will you face? What “only God” moment will you call on the King to lead and take control of? He is able!
Keep seeking Him,
Jason Brooks
River City Church Kids Camp
River City takes AGORA students to Kids Camp AGORA Kids learning proper safety
Jesus is worthy of praise
Summer VBS and Camps
Mercy Ministries