AGORA Ministries exists to share the love and hope of Christ in broken places.
We accomplish this by encouraging, empowering, educating, and mentoring at-risk students and families. Through partnerships with churches, non-profits, and businesses, we work to bring restoration and transformation to those we serve.
As a training ministry, we are also called to equip and train others to carry out this mission, multiplying our impact as we reach more communities.
Encourage: Through the love of Christ expressed through our staff and volunteers we will encourage our students and families to success.
Empower: Through inspiration and training we will give our students and families the tools they need for success.
Educate: We will help our students reach academic success through our education programs, tutoring, and constant encouraging to succeed academically.
Mentor: Through a strong intentional adult-student relationship our students will be led to new heights.
We clearly have a mandate to teach the following in all of our weekly and seasonal programs and ministries.
Serve: We believe that having a humble heart that is willing to serve is the greatest choice one can make. Jesus said, “The greatest among you is the one who serves.” We teach, preach, and show this value in all that we do. If our students can learn this incredibly powerful aspect of Christian character then we will see life change in our community.
Share: We teach that sharing what we have learned and specifically about the incredible gift given by Jesus on the cross of Calvary is the single greatest message in all of history and we all are called to share our testimony of what He has done for us.
Grow: Personal and professional growth is a must in life. We challenge all our students and volunteers to grow personally and to not just be content in where they are at. We teach personal character growth, growth in relationship to Christ, and grow in their professional lives.