The Tech Academy Mission
Technology has changed the world. However, many students in high need areas do not have access to the world of tech and software development. When a student does not have access they often can miss an opportunity to create a passion, a spark, a life changing economic engine that can create life change. Our goal is to provide access to technology and development that is often out of reach to the inner-city student while creating an atmosphere for encouragement, support, and success.
We will be having a 5 day coding camp for high school and junior high students. We will be teaching the students the basic of programming using block coding in the world of Microsoft Minecraft. The camp will also include basic computer building and structure. The class will cover a character/ spiritual development lesson that is communicated through the day.
Code Camp 1: October 26th
Code Camp 2: November 2nd
Code Camp 3: November 9th
Code Camp 4: November 16th
Code Camp 5: November 23rd
Class Outline:
– Welcome, Tacos, Character/ Spiritual Development (15 min)
– Minecraft Coding (1 hour)
– Break (15 min)
– Character/ Spiritual Development (10 min)
– Computer Hardware (1 hour)
– Character/ Spiritual Development- journal (15 min)