For the past 20 years, my wife Debbi and I, have been living and working as missionaries to Mexico with our 3 kids, who are now grown and living in the US.
In 1994, we were living in Chippewa Falls, WI and both were working at W.W.I.B. Christian Radio. We had been going on annual short-term missions trips to Mexico for 7 years, and felt God calling us to serve Him in full time missions in Monterrey, Mexico. In 1994, we took a giant step of faith and sold everything we owned, and left Wisconsin with our family, and headed to Monterrey to pioneer a Youth With A Mission base. We started out with just our kids helping us, but then later the ministry grew to a staff of 35 full-time missionaries from various countries that had come to work with us. While there, we received over 8000 short-term missions participants and trained and sent many young people to over 40 countries of the world. After being there for 13 years as the founders and directors of YWAM Monterrey, we were invited to join the Assemblies of God World Missions Department to serve as their missionaries to Mexico, working in the Yucatan with the Mayan people until 2014. We also have lived & worked in Jamaica and Costa Rica and ministered various times in Cuba over the years.
In 2015, we returned to the USA, and began working in the inner-city of San Antonio, TX with the Hispanic people on the WestSide alongside of AGORA Ministries (www.agoraministries.com). There we are helping disadvantaged children and “at risk” youth and adults, through mentoring and door to door evangelism in our weekly programs including the Hope Pantry…meeting both their physical and spiritual needs.
We also are working as the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God Missions Director. This is a part time position so we can continue to work as US Missionaries in the inner-city also. We enjoy being able to help new and veteran missionaries fulfill their call to GO!
We have a passion to share with young and old alike, the Good News of God’s love for them, and to help nurture their spiritual development along with encouraging them to get involved in personal evangelism and local and world missions through praying, giving or going. (Matthew 28:19)
If you would like further information, please contact us at: audorffs@hotmail.com or call us at (210)482-0281.
Roger & Debbi Audorff
AGUSM, Urban Ministries #204160